About Us

Key Voices Community Choir is governed by a Constitution made available to all members and, as a result, is managed with a light touch by a committee of elected members.  Our wonderful Musical Director is Maria Johnson and the excellent piano accompaniment is provided by Ken Dale.


The choir is organised in voice sections of bass, tenor, alto and soprano. While most sessions are devoted to the whole choir, there are opportunities when members can perform solo or in other smaller groups.


At certain events we have social sessions where partners, family and friends are all welcome. Members contribute to these gatherings bringing food, drinks or just helping shifting chairs. 


With around 30 singers we are still keen to recruit new members. Now you know more about us would you like to join? Your first ‘taster’ session is free when you can come and see how we all work together. If you decide to become a member there is a small weekly charge paid half-termly in advance. If you require any further information or wish to sign up, please don't hesitate to get in touch using our Contact page right now. We look forward to seeing you soon!!



Key Voices..... enjoying singing together